Kubota V2203 – Starter Motor Test

Caution : Secure the starter motor while testing
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable from the batery
2. Disconnect the battery positive cable from the battery
3. Disconnect the leads from the starter B terminal
4. Remove the starter from the engine
5. Connect a jumper lead from the starter C terminal (1) to the battery positive terminal (2)
6. Connect a jumper lead momentarily between the starter’s body and the battery negative terminal (3)
7. If the motor does not run, starter is failure-Repair or replace the starter
– B terminal : it is the terminal which connects the cable from the battery to the starter
– C terminal : it is the terminal which connects the cable from the motor to the magnet switch
1. C Terminal
2. Positive Terminal
3. Negative Terminal

Magnetic Switch Test
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable from the battery
2. Disconnect the battery positive cable from the battery
3. Disconnect the leads from the starter B terminal
4. Remove the starter from the engine
5. Connect a jumper lead from the starter S terminal (1) to the battery positive terminal (2)
6. Connect a jumper lead momentarily between the starter’s body and the battery negative terminal (3)
7. If the pinion gear does not pop out, the magnetic switch is failure – Repair or replace the starter
– B terminal : it is the terminal which connects the cable from the battery to the starter
– S terminal : it is the terminal which connects the cable from the starter switch to the magnet switch
(1) S Terminal
(2) Positive Terminal
(3) Negative Terminal

Magnetic Switch Continuity Test
1. Check the continuity across the C terminal (1) and the B terminal (2) with a circuit tester, pushing in the plunger
2. If not continuous or if a certain value is indicated, replace the magnet switch
(1) C Terminal
(2) B Terminal

For Kubota V2203 parts, call us or email info@ThaiReefer.co.th