
StarCool Reefer Container

StarCool Reefer Container

1. MCI or Maersk company history Container Industry
     Maersk Container Industry, Tinglev, Denmark Headquarter opened in 1991, here, before being a production base for dry and cold containers. But now the production base is somewhere else Here is the part of sales, service support and development and development.
     Maersk Container Industry, Qingdao, China Is the production base for the reefer container and the star cool machine 45,000 machines Employs about 2000 people
     Maersk Container Industry, Dongguan, China Is a dry container production base (Dry container). It is also a research and development base for dry containers as well. Just started operation in 2005, can produce about 200,000 cabinets per year with an approximate area. 300,000 m²
     Maersk Container Industry, San Antonio, Chile Is a new base that was opened in 2014. The first lot of containers produced at this base was in 2015. The base has a total of about 1200 employees with a production capacity of 25,000 cabinets and 25,000 starcool integrated machines. The reason for this base is to Meet the increasing demand from South American customers who want to transport chilled products.

starcool refrigerated

2. Basic refrigeration

There are 2 versions of Starcool’s cabinet, which can be removed from the front of the machine (Mark Q cabinet is equipped with a starcool machine) and a removable front cabinet (Starcool integrated).
Starcool integrated is a cabinet that combines Star cool refrigeration and mark Q reefer box to be combined into one. (Unable to remove the device) to reduce weight problems. Can carry more products Energy saving And reduce the temperature problem that will leak out of the nut
When comparing between the Starcool integrated cabinet and the Mark Q cabinet that is starcool, Starcool integrated cabinet weight will be less than 100 kg, but compared to other brand cabinets, can reduce up to 300 kilograms. In addition, the Starcool integrated cabinet also increases wall strength Resistant to use And designed to be suitable for using a car lift The combination of the cabinet and the machine into one can reduce the temperature problem by airflow outside and inside is well protected by walls. And the cabinet has more work efficiency

By starcool Intergrated 1 cabinet
1) Good size Mark Q cabinet for heavy use and protect the cabinet from scratches from work. And Forklift
2) Q liner lightweight wall panel, smooth wall, easy to clean, chemical resistant And can store temperatures well with multi-layer aluminum foil.
3) StarCool unit, refrigeration
4) AV + (Automatic Ventilation) ventilation system Which can make the shelf life of the product longer, especially bananas, avocado or flowers, which can balance oxygen and carbon dioxide in the cabinet Which can preserve the moisture of the fruit
5) CA (Controlled Atmosphere) Technology
Fresh fruits and vegetables also use oxygen and emit carbon. Remote transport requires that the breathing process of this fruit and vegetable slows down to help prolong the ripening of the product. Which we can control by controlling the temperature and reducing oxygen in the container In order to extend the storage period of the fruit, Starcool produces oxygen and carbon control systems in containers using level detection sensors. And use the membrane filter to control the air coming into the cabinet By which carbon is able to pass through the membrane to the oxygen part When in the cabinet there is too much carbon content sensor will warn The system will open for oxygen. Enter the cabinet to maintain a steady level.

Highlights of Starcool
– Compressor
Different from other brands That can run at different speeds by running 2 high speed and low speed (600-3300 rpm, 20-110Hz), light weight, easy to fix
– Energy saving
Different from other brands that The operation of the controller with compressor speed when the heater can be made The machine will reduce speed and keep the temperature steady.
– Easy to use, easy to use
LCD display, easy to use Easy to set the temperature
– Easy to repair with some parts that can be used together, such as sensor
– Each Starcool machine uses 16 amps, so 1 outlet can plug 2 starcool machines with a double reefer plug.
– Check the alarm without opening the manual in the book Can be opened from the website of the size name
– Check warranty that the spare parts are still in insurance

Stacool CA Technology